
  • This app was designed to explore incidence of serious adverse events related to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs)
  • Data was mined from ClinicalTrials.gov
  • Please navigate to the tabs on the left to explore the app
  • Database design

    We developed a pan-cancer adverse event database with emphasis on immune related adverse events (irAEs). Our database, termed irAExplorer encompasses 71,087 patients from 343 clinical trials across 19 cancer types with well annotated ICI treatment classification. Users may explore the incidence of adverse events across cancer types, treatment agents and treatment regimens.


    Muhammad Zaki Hidayatullah Fadlullah, Ching-Nung Lin, Samuel Coleman, Arabella Young, Abdul Rafeh Naqash, Siwen Hu-Lieskovan, Aik Choon Tan
    Exploring the landscape of immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced adverse events through big data mining of pan-cancer clinical trials, The Oncologist


    For further information, please contact; Zaki Wilmot zaki.wilmot@hci.utah.edu or Aik Choon Tan aikchoon.tan@hci.utah.edu


    This app was developed at the Tan Lab

    Exploration of Clinical Trials Studies

    Use this tab to obtain a global overview of the cancer types and treatment classification in the database

    Select one or more clinical trial(s) ID to query

    Exploration by cancer type

    Click on the table below to generate a plot of the drug administered in the selected cancer type
    Patients may be treated with a single agent ICI or in conjuction with other agents (chemotheraphy, targeted theraphy, dual ICIs). Hover over the plot below to reveal the treatment regimens

    Percentage of Participants with Serious Adverse Event(s)

    User may interactively select how to visuzlize the incidence of adverse events. Please refer to the Plotting parameters below to generate the plot

    Filtering options

    Options to select cancer types , treatment agents and treatment regimens

    Plotting parameters

    The bar chart may be adjusted to show the incidence of adverse event by; cancer types , treatment agents , treatment regimens or adverse event category.
    • Please select the Desired variable option to determine how the incidence of adverse event is shown
    • A second variable Desired group can further be selected to divide the incidence of adverse event into sub-groups.

    Simplified Representation of Participants with Serious Adverse Event(s)

    Note: For the purpose of this vizualisation, all combination ICI therapy is grouped as one category

    Filtering options

    Options to select cancer types, treatment agents and treatment regimens

    Statistical calculation

    The Reporting Odds Ratio (ROR) allows for estimation of the relative risk of developing a particular adverse event. The ROR for single agent ICI and non-ICI chemotherapy can be queried